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Music Moves Me

MasterHand Music Garden Programme

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We believe that every child is musical and creative. Music is fundamental to every baby's development and our music classes are designed specifically to develop confidence, creativity and coordination. The aim of the curriculum is to nurture a lifelong passion for music and to expose children to all facets of music, perception of different musical structures and musical language. Alongside this, we incorporate musical activities for sensorial awareness, dancing, bouncing, singing together and composing musical stories.

The focus of education

This is the place to start the journey of possibilities with your child.

The MasterHand Music Moves Me Programme, enhances the child's development and love of music through song, dance, movement games and instruments and will help parents learn to stimulate their child's learning through vocal play, object/instrument exploration and creative movement. The strong bond that comes naturally from participating in these activities gives the child a solid foundation to grow into a secure, confident and happy child.

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The course content

The influence of music, listening skills, rhythm training, pitching training and musical instruments.

MasterHandLearning Asia Pacific LLP – 713A East Coast Rd, Singapore 459066
Telephone: (65) 6241 4401, Fax: (65) 6448 4813, Email: masterhand@live.com.sg